
Gus joined the startup Lyfx as a partner in 2017. 

Lyfx is an app that serves adventures on demand by pairing adventurers with outdoor guides. The Beta platform launched in the US in 2018. More than 12,000 users have signed up in less than 4 months and Lyfx already hosts over 600 adventures.

Lyfx is now gearing up to expanding its operation in Europe and Latin America.


At Lyfx, Gus operates as a hybrid Chief Creative Officer and Chief Product Officer and has led the UX/UI development of Version One. He led a nimble team of a few multidisciplinary devs and designers working remotely from 4 different countries over the course of 8 months. To bring our vision to life we created over 500 unique screens and a library containing hundreds of UI customized components based on the Material Design framework.


We also created a documentary capturing Lyfx’s founder Pedro McCardell motorbike expedition to Patagonia. “Guanaco” documents an expedition through 12,000 miles of terrain captured solely on an iPhone. But the point of the film is not just to display the stunning imagery of Patagonia’s epic landscapes — it’s a tale about the fellow adventurers that were met along the way and a simple yet touching encounter with a young guanaco struggling with its upper half stuck in a wire fence unable to free itself.

“Guanaco” was chosen as a semi-finalist by the Hollywood International Independent Documentary Film Awards and has been featured in multiple international Adventure Film Festivals in 2018.

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